My name is Steven M Castro Jr. and I am a sixth year Ph.D. Candidate. My interests lie in the subfields of raciolinguisitcs, sociolinguistics, contact, and linguistic anthropology. I focus my work on contact situations for both language and race, examining the intersections of language and identity in the formation and establishment of mixed-race identities. My current work focuses on the ways in which mixed-race individuals in the Fiji Islands use terms, labels, language patterns, ideologies, and attitudes to construct a mixed-race identity and the effects the Fijian conceptualization of race has on the co-naturalization of language and race. I am also interested in language and mixed-race identity in other locations outside of Fiji as well including other Pacific Areas, Latin and South America, the U.S. and the Caribbean. I am also beginning preliminary investigations into language and mixedness in various Latinx populations in Southern California, and how mixedness and race is constructed (through language) in Mexico. All these questions and paths focus on the expansion of the research and knowledge of mixed-race identity development and creation through language. I have experience and interests, via past work, in phonology, phonetics, language change, and variation of the languages in the Fiji Islands (Fijian, Fiji Hindi, English). Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!