The Major Program

The BA in Linguistics requires eleven courses that will provide expertise in linguistics. Students have flexibility to construct a course of study that accords with their interests, but their final tally of eleven courses must include the following:

  • Introduction to Linguistics (20001)
  • three of the following courses
    • Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology (20101)
    • Introduction to Syntax (20201)
    • Introduction to Semantics & Pragmatics (20301)
    • Language in Society (26002)


At least six electives for the major must be courses offered by the Linguistics Department (i.e. course whose numbers begin with LING). For any further electives, a student may petition the department to substitute a related course in another department.

Summary of Requirements

  • 1 LING 20001 (introductory course)
  • 3 LING 20101, 20201, and 20301 (core courses)
  • 6-7 Linguistics electives**
  • 11 

With prior approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies, such electives may be taken in other departments. 
** A minimum of 6 must be courses with LING numbers.

Grading: All courses used to satisfy requirements for the major and minor must be taken for quality grades.  With consent of the instructor, nonmajors may take linguistics courses for P/F grading.

In summary, the Linguistics major consists of the following courses: LING 20001, 20101, 20201, 20301, and between 6 and 7 elective courses (of which 6 must be LING courses).