Morphology & Syntax workshop

February 9, 2024 | 12:30PM
Cobb 302

In this week's meeting of the Morphology & Syntax Workshop, we will be having a paper discussion led by Zach Lebowski on Claire Halpert 2016's book chapter titled 'Prosody/syntax mismatches in the Zulu conjoint/disjoint alternation'.

Please find the pre-circulated paper attached, and hope to see you in Cobb 302 on Friday, February 9th 2024, 12:30-2:30pm.

Short abstract provided below:

Prosody/syntax mismatches in the Zulu conjoint/disjoint alternation (Halpert 2016, attached)
The conjoint/disjoint alternation is a morphological alternation that occurs in a variety of Bantu languages. The conditions on the distribution of the conjoint/disjoint are extremely complex. In this book chapter, Halpert asks whether the alternation in Zulu is conditioned by prosodic or syntactic factors? She presents many arguments in support of both views, but ultimately concludes that the alternation must be a syntactic phenomenon.